Montel Weekly
Montel Weekly - market insights from people in the know. Montel Weekly is a podcast dedicated to energy news from markets in Europe and beyond. Every week we invite key industry experts to share insights and to discuss latest developments. Hosted by Richard Sverrisson. Produced by Bled Maliqi & Sarah Knowles. Music by Laurence Walker and Ben Bower.
Montel Weekly
The “ketchup effect”
Norway installed the least amount of renewables in the Nordic region last year. Ahead of the country’s first ever offshore wind auction, we talk to former energy minister Åslaug Haga about the outlook for new green energy in terms of meeting growing demand. Listen to a discussion on the ways in which country should speed up capacity build and why it is important to avoid the “ketchup effect”.
Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel
Guest: Åslaug Haga, Director, Renewables Norway.