Montel Weekly

2020: the year of record low gas prices?

Montel News Season 1 Episode 40

Next year looks set to deliver record low gas prices amid a perfect bearish storm of an ongoing supply glut, mild weather, record high storage levels and a possible agreement in the Ukraine-Russia transit deal. 

Listen to four analysts provide their 2019 highlights, and forecasts for next year. 


  • Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief Europe, Montel. 


  • Tor Reier Lilleholt, Head of Analysis, Wattsight, 
  • Marcus Ferdinand, Head of EU Power and Carbon Analytics, ICIS, 
  • Wayne Bryan, Senior Energy and Commodity Analyst, Alfa Energy, 
  • Trevor Sikorski, Head of Natural Gas, Oil and Carbon Research, Energy Aspects. 

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